Address: 8606 Logia Circle
Boynton Beach, Florida 33472

Phone: 7035681911

Email: Rebecca Diamond

Number of NonProfit Clients: 10

Minority Owned: N/A

Woman Owned: Yes

Special Discount for Center Members:

Happy to offer a complimentary one hour conversation on Board development, Board Coaching and Board Fundraising Training.


Rebecca Diamond Fundraising specializes in empowering nonprofit boards and organizations through comprehensive development, coaching, and strategic planning. Our services include:

Board Development & Coaching: Guiding boards to fully understand their roles and responsibilities, with a focus on fundraising, governance, and active support.
Give-Get Planning: Developing clear and effective give-get policies to engage board members in active financial contributions.
Fundraising Strategy & Planning: Creating detailed fundraising plans tailored to meet organizational goals.
Donor Outreach & Cultivation: Identifying, engaging, and nurturing relationships with potential donors.
Corporate & Individual Fundraising: Developing and executing strategies to secure funds from both corporate and individual donors.

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