Dedicated to supporting local businesses and building a vibrant corridor

As a Main Street America affiliate, the Upper Georgia Avenue Main Street is part of a national network of more than 1,200 neighborhoods and communities who share both a commitment to creating high-quality places and to building stronger communities through preservation-based economic development. The UGA Main Street is a project of the Center for Nonprofit Advancement and is funded, in part, by the D.C. Department of Small and Local Business Development.

Upper Georgia Avenue Main Street boundaries

The UGA Main Street area will range on Georgia Avenue, NW from Missouri Avenue to Eastern Avenue, including collaborating with The Parks at Walter Reed development for the Fern Street to Aspen Street portion.

Who UGAMS Serves

UGA Main Street represents small, independent businesses located within the boundaries listed above. Through the leadership of an executive director, board of directors and community volunteers, small business owners will receive technical assistance, retail grants and promotion assistance to support economic redevelopment efforts that engage and excite our communities.

What UGAMS Does

Main Streets are committed to transforming business corridors and creating economic impact for our neighborhoods by RAIN:

Revitalizing our communities by supporting retention and recruitment of small businesses to enhance economic vitality.

Attracting consumers to our commercial corridors through promotions that showcase them as thriving, welcoming destinations.

Improving the design of commercial properties and streetscapes by providing competitive grant funds for façade improvement.

Neighborhood organizations mobilizing and advocating to assist businesses and to coordinate sustained, community-driven revitalization efforts within UGA neighborhoods and the organization.

Learn more about UGAMS in Main Street FAQs.