WEBINAR: Recruiting Diverse Leaders***
April 23 @ 1:30 pm - 2:30 pm
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Faculty: Erin Lau and Kate Dykgraaf, Good Insight
The nonprofit sector suffers from a persistent racial leadership gap. Recent studies show that as nonprofits across the country grapple with operationalizing their stated commitments to diversity, equity, and inclusion, just a relatively small percentage of people of color hold formal leadership roles in the sector.
This session will help current executives, boards of directors, and HR leaders to rethink recruitment strategies and examine common biases in hiring processes. This discussion will focus on recruiting senior roles, such as executive directors and C-Suite equivalent leaders.
Through a mix of presentation and small group breakouts, participants will leave this session understanding
• Step-by-step instructions to embed racial equity into various phases of a recruitment cycle, and will have a chance to crowd-sourcing new ideas to circulate job announcements to broader audiences.
• How personal, institutional, and structural bias effects decision-making, and how to counter-act bias during a search process.
• The importance of reducing wage disparity across gender and race.
• Additional resources for organizations closer to the beginning of their racial equity journey.
***This class is free as part of the Center’s commitment to support their efforts to embed DEIJ into operations, staffing, and boards. Learn more here.