Round 3 proves to be another fun success.

We had a great time with everyone who joined us virtually in March 2022 for our 3rd annual Get Centered with Bingo. Congratulations to Linda Chaisson from the Colorado Nonprofit Association, Nancy Tolbert at CALMRA, Inc, and Dottie Bose from the Residential Home Association of Marion, who won our Grand Prize Gift Baskets.  Our raffle winners were Alan Randall from the Association for Professionals in Infection Control and Epidemiology and Se-A Han from NOVA ScriptsCentral.

Hosted by Center CEO and Bingo Ambassador Glen O’Gilvie, the game ran like normal bingo, but board squares were associated with ‘tasks’ recommended by leading industry experts. To claim the square, players had to have completed the task.

A huge ‘Thank You’ to our sponsors for helping us put on an excellent event!

The experts’ recommended steps below will remain posted for reference. If you need any assistance, we encourage you to reach out to our sponsors:


Goldin Group

 Ariel Goldin


Simple IT Care 

Christopher Chung
855-471-8200 x601
703.655.5020 (cell)




Cheryl L. Jones


Nonstop Wellness


Lenserf & Co.



Tasks by category