The Center is pleased to announce we have a new space to hold classes in Prince George’s County, making training more accessible to those in suburban Maryland.

We also plan to have designated office hours there a few times a month, so members can more easily meet with staff if desired. Once these hours have been confirmed, we will post them on our website.

Upcoming classes at 9701 Apollo Drive, Upper Marlboro, MD, include:

Performance Measurement 101: Developing Your Logical Outcome Model
September 17 @ 1:30 pm – 3:30 pm

Grant-Writing for Greater Impact
October 16 @ 1:30 pm – 3:30 pm

Volunteer-Staff Relationships: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly
November 14 @ 1:30 pm – 3:30 pm

How to Present with Confidence, Command, and Charisma
December 3 @ 1:30 pm – 3:30 pm

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Adventure Theatre MTC is the preeminent Theater Academy for youth in the DC region with an integrated and nationally renowned high quality professional theater for family audiences. Adventure Theatre educates and inspires new generations of theater artists and audiences with exceptional theatrical experiences. The ATMTC Academy offerings complement the National & State Fine Arts Standards of Learning, providing a challenging outlet for students to develop the skills necessary to be successful performers – including self-discipline, teamwork, problem solving, and self-confidence. ATMTC Academy Alumni have numerous Broadway, national tour, TV and film credits.

What does being a finalist for this award mean for you and your organization?

Since the merger between Adventure Theatre and Musical Theater Center in 2012, ATMTC has been reimagining and restructuring its board. The board has made hard choices, taken strategic risks, and embraced a dynamic and compelling vision for the organization. Becoming a finalist for this award creates credibility for the progress to date. While the ATMTC board and its work is always continuing to grow, being a finalist is a wonderful acknowledgment of how far the board has come.

What have you learned through the application process for the Board Leadership Award?

Among the many things ATMTC has learned through this process, two stand out. First, although ATMTC takes pride in its onboarding process and ongoing training of board members, only through this process has ATMTC seen how much its board members have internalized and how they have become such talented ambassadors for the organization.

Second, this application process reminds ATMTC that its board’s work is never done. The board is always adapting to changes, new trends, and unexpected opportunities and challenges. The ATMTC board’s ability to be flexible and dynamic as changes arise has permitted it to respond with clarity in identifying issues, creativity in devising solutions, and bravery in implementing the selected course of action.

What advice would you offer for other organizations/board members striving for excellence in board leadership?

ATMTC offers three pieces of advice for organizations/board members striving for excellence in board leadership.

First, if you want a truly diverse board, you must first diversify the organization. An organization must do the work toward diversity before trying to bring new members to the board who will, in turn, move the needle on board diversity. Only when the organization has internalized the goals of social justice can it attract board members who will help continue the progress.

Second, you need to acknowledge the limits of board members’ time. Board members are willing to work, but organizations need to provide the tools to make it easy to do the work it needs them to do. Examples of these tools include providing meeting agendas and materials at least a week in advance of meetings; providing meaningful orientation to new board members; and asking concise questions or specific opportunities to help.

Finally, boards should be courageous in their convictions. When a board adopts a well-informed course of action based on appropriate strategic risk, the board and the organization benefit and grow by seeing the decision through and actively participating in the work.

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For nearly 40 years, Martha’s Table has worked to support strong children, strong families and strong communities by increasing access to quality education programs, healthy food and family supports. They believe that every child deserves the opportunity for their brightest future and a deeply engaged family and community committed to their success.

What does being a finalist for this award mean for you and your organization?

This recognition is quite gratifying for the Martha’s Table board, especially given the major milestones we’ve hit in the past year. It feels like we’ve run several marathons consecutively, with everything that went into our new headquarters and satellite location, selection of our new CEO and transition to a new board chair. That we’ve emerged from each of these challenges a stronger Martha’s Table is a testament to the steady hand and tireless work ethic of our board.

At the same time, there’s still so much to be done at Martha’s Table, and our place-based work in our new neighborhood in Southeast D.C. is just beginning. As we noted in our award application, Martha’s Table’s board holds itself to high standards and does not seek the limelight. Being a finalist for the Board Leadership Award is a reminder that someone is watching us at work, and a nice validation for our board that we should keep doing what we’re doing.

What have you learned through the application process for the Board Leadership Award?

Through the application process, we appreciated the opportunity to pause and reflect. Perhaps most significantly, it was helpful to take stock in Martha’s Table’s diversity, equity and inclusion efforts, as the application forced us to delve into this area. As far as we’ve come in diversifying our board membership and staff, in adopting asset-based language and amplifying the voices of our community members, we still have much remaining to do on this front.

We are proud of what we’ve accomplished in championing greater equity within Martha’s Table and within the District of Columbia. But we can’t rest on our laurels while so many members of our community are denied a real opportunity to be successful in life. We’re glad the Board Leadership Award emphasized equity, diversity and inclusion in the application, which reinforces the critical role our board must play in realizing system-level change.

What advice would you offer for other organizations/board members striving for excellence in board leadership?

At Martha’s Table, our board members and senior staff are true partners in our work to support strong children, strong families and strong communities. To be effective, both our executives and directors consistently push and challenge each other—respectfully, of course—in service of our mission. Our board is effective because they “get it” when it comes to Martha’s Table’s mission.

We often compare board member recruitment to casting a play, each role having specific characteristics and expertise. We’ve built out our board roster very strategically, with a purposeful mix of business leaders, academics, food experts and longtime Washingtonians, all of whom give generously of their time and resources. We hope other organizations can learn and benefit from how we’ve filled our board with great people and allowed them to do what they do best.

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The Primary Care Coalition of Montgomery County (PCC) is deeply committed to providing a continuum of care for low-income, uninsured and underinsured, ethnically diverse residents of Montgomery County. They work with clinics, hospitals, health care providers and other community partners to coordinate health care services for our most vulnerable neighbors. Their vision is a community in which all residents have the opportunity to live healthy lives.

What does being a finalist for this award mean for you or your organization?

PCC is a backbone organization in our community. Collaboration is our mechanism for achieving our mission. We bring together funding from our local government, hospitals, and foundation partners and, through partnerships with other nonprofits in our community, ensure vulnerable community residents have access to health services. We serve as a data hub; our direct service partners entrust us with the analytics and aggregation of protected health information. Our community looks to us, with our process improvement and facilitation expertise, to serve as a convener across the healthcare and social service sectors to achieve systems level change.

We work in partnership with so many different entities, and it is important they are confident in our internal governance and can look to us to model and share best practices. For PCC as an organization, the credibility of this prestigious award would further affirm to external stakeholders that PCC’s leadership governs the organization well, is committed to continuous learning and sharing what it learns with our partner nonprofits.

For the PCC Board, being a finalist for the Board Leadership Award from the Center from Nonprofit Advancement validates the Board’s introspection for and time dedicated to enhancing Board culture, composition, structure and stakeholder engagement.   Being a finalist also reinforces that Board improvement work is valuable and should be continuous, in parallel and in support of our work on setting and driving organizational strategy in a changing healthcare environment.

What have you learned through the application process for the Board Leadership Award?

This is PCC’s second year applying for this award. We have found tremendous value in the feedback received through the application process. Having an external entity examine our Board practices causes us to see them with a different lens as well. In doing so, we can see areas to change and innovate.

Using the feedback from the previous year’s interview we recognized there are community and population perspectives missing from our Board. In response, we developed Board composition guiding principles and a Board structure and recruitment pipeline strategy to asses and address gaps. In addition to recruiting new Board members with different perspectives, we also created Committee Charters, updated our bylaws to allow non-Board members on most committees as voting members, and clarified the role of Board members affiliated with PCC partners.

This latter work led to the chartering of a Stakeholder Engagement and Relationship Strengthening Work Group, tasked with developing relationship strengthening work plans, commensurate with the impact of the relationship, that ensure the relationship is sustainable in the event of turnover at PCC or the stakeholder organization.

Through this year’s application process, we’ve recognized the importance of explicitly building a Board culture and structure for continuous learning, improvement, and innovation in governance practices. We’ve also recognized that, as a backbone organization, we interact with Boards of many nonprofits and can lead by modelling best practices and promoting the value of external feedback and internal reflection for Boards. Partnerships and collaboration are the mechanism through which we forward our mission; the strength and excellence of our partners’ Boards is relevant to our mission.

What advice would you offer for other organizations/board members striving for excellence in board leadership?
  1. It is important that organizations/board members embrace introspection and change regarding Board culture, perspectives, relationships, and work methods. Select a Board Chair who will explicitly champion change and Board excellence; change must be welcomed and made a priority from the top.
  2. Use time-limited work groups to address issues within the domains of Board governance. Set a clear work group charter and goal, achievable within a short time frame (e.g. six meetings/six months). Ensure the Board timely considers work group recommendations and enacts reasonable changes. As a work group concludes, determine next priority for a work group.
  3. Determine what diversity means for your Board and adopt guiding principles for Board member recruitment. Consider the skills, perspectives or voices needed at the Board to ensure the organization holds to its mission and understands the need it exists to serve. Build an ongoing recruitment network and pipeline that can deliver the voices and skills when identified, rather than seek members only when there is a vacancy or to ‘check a box’. If the Board and its related committees and work group are not sufficiently diverse, focus on building a more extensive recruitment network. Where appropriate, include non-board members as voting members of standing committees and work groups as a means to develop those unfamiliar with or uncertain about Board service.

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… and reduce the negative impact of the new tax law.

With the increase in the standard deduction and the new limitation on state and local tax deductions, fewer people itemized on their 2018 returns, thus decreasing the tax incentive to make charitable gifts. In addition, the estate and gift tax exclusions were also doubled, which may lessen the incentive to make bequests to charities. According to the Tax Policy Center, these changes led to an estimated 12 to 20 billion dollar decline in overall charitable giving, or roughly a 5% decline in contributions.

So, what should your nonprofit do?

Focus on developing high net worth donors now and educating individuals on maximizing their way of giving, recommends Javier Goldin, managing partner of Goldin Group CPAs. Further he offers four suggestions to give potential donors.

1. Group gifts

One way to join the 1 in 10 tax filers expected to itemize this year is to do something called bunching. With this strategy, as many deductible expenses as possible (for example, medical expenses) are shifted into one year, so that itemizing becomes advantageous. Then the standard deduction is taken the next year or two.

In the case of charitable gifts, that would mean donating two or three years’ worth of gifts in one year. This may be tough for those who may not have extra cash accessible, but there’s a solution to that issue. By making a substantial gift—typically a minimum of $5,000—to a donor-advised fund, the donor can deduct the full gift now and then direct the money to charity over time. Fidelity, Schwab and Vanguard are among the financial firms offering these planned giving accounts.

2. Use IRA distributions

People who are 70½ or older and are taking required minimum distributions from an individual retirement account can funnel those withdrawals directly to charity (up to a max of $100,000 a year). With what’s called a qualified charitable distribution (QCD), donors can’t write off the gift, but they won’t owe income taxes on the withdrawal. So in the 22 percent federal tax bracket, a $10,000 QCD saves $2,200 in taxes. (A QCD is not an option with 401(k) savings plans or, in virtually all cases, from Roth IRAs.)

3. Donate stock winners

Another way to come up with a big gift is to tap into investment portfolios. More than nine years into this bull market, donors may be sitting on highly appreciated stocks or mutual funds. By donating that stock instead of selling it, donors may be able to deduct the full market value. They also avoid the big tax bill they would face if they cashed out and kept the profits.

Another option is to keep the stocks or funds in their portfolio and donate the shares. Then using the cash that they would have donated to your nonprofit, they can buy more shares in the same investments.

4. Save more in high-tax states

Charitable giving can be particularly beneficial for those who live in states with high income taxes. If the limits on state and local tax deductions push their overall tax rate higher, the value of their donations is higher too. That’s because every dollar donated (assuming itemizing is worthwhile) saves a higher amount in taxes. Capital gains also fall into the new federal law limiting state tax deductions to $10,000. For donors who live in states with capital gains taxes, their effective tax rate on those gains has gone “way up,” making it even more advantageous to donate winning stocks to your nonprofit before December 31.

Finally, it’s essential to make your nonprofit stand out to donors by providing accurate and complete information. Dazzle them with your infrastructure and financial efficiencies. These items will go a long way in persuading your donors that their dollars go further with you.

Article contributed by Javier Goldin, the Center’s CPA Partner. Javier is also a Founding and Managing Partner with Goldin Group CPAs in Bethesda, MD, chosen nationally as an Innovator Firm for the profession.

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Guidelines for setting up an unpaid internship program:

Internships provide an excellent way to prepare students for the workforce, provide hands-on training and launch careers. For nonprofits, it’s an opportunity to help shape the emerging workforce, nurture an interest in the nonprofit sector and discover potential new employees.

For many of us, an intern also provides some much needed free assistance. This view, however, could lead to trouble. There have been several cases where an employer has been forced to pay back-wages to someone who completed an unpaid internship. While for-profit companies have been looked at closer than nonprofits, it is still a good idea to understand the guidelines.

Below, we’ve provided a summary of the criteria for an unpaid intern position. Plus, with input from Center member Miriam’s Kitchen, we’ve also provided a helpful checklist for setting up an internship program.

Criteria for an unpaid internship

In the Department of Labor’s internship programs under the Fair Labor Standards Act, it explains how courts have used the “primary beneficiary test” to determine whether an intern is in fact an employee. A summary of the test criteria that the internship must meet includes:

  • Be similar to training that the student would receive in an educational environment. If a college provides credit or if the intern gains experience that could be used elsewhere, this would fit the criteria.
  • Be a benefit to the intern, not the organization.
  • Not replace a paid employee, and work under close supervision of a staff member.
  • The employer gets no real advantage from the intern, and sometimes may be impeded by having the intern.
  • The intern is not entitled to a job at the end of the training.
  • The employer and intern agree that the intern is not entitled to wages at the end of the internship.

When considering offering a stipend, understand that it may send mixed signals to the DOL. Either the wages are earned, or this is a training program that benefits the intern.

Internship Program Checklist

  1. Define the need. Determine what department or team could use an intern in a way that benefits the student as well as the organization.
  2. Determine the time and duration. Will it be a semester long, over winter break or during the summer? Knowing the duration will guide setting the number of hours per week and what duties to include in the program. Students may have less time during the academic semester than over the summer. Every internship should have an end date. The DOL does not let you keep an intern indefinitely.
  3. Specify the roles and responsibilities of the intern. Create a description of tasks and a timeline with check-ins to monitor progress. Include rules, policies and expectations so the intern, and your team, understands what is required right from the start. Make sure tasks/projects are reasonable and realistic.
  4. Decide if the intern will be paid, receive a stipend or be unpaid. Obtain approval from President/CEO for any payments. For unpaid internships, answer the following questions:
  • Will the intern receive course credit?
  • Are there written goals and objectives associated with the internship?
  • Is the student’s on-the-job learning beneficial to his/her future career?
  • Does the intern understand that the internship is unpaid?
  • Does the program pass the “primary beneficiary test?”
  1. Advertise the internship opportunity. Post online, on your website, circulate with colleges and universities.
  2. Collect and review applications, sharing best candidates with the hiring department.
  3. Conduct interviews either in person or via Skype.
  4. Once a candidate is selected and has accepted, complete an intern information sheet with details about criteria, school requirements and credits, etc., as well as any HR forms and return to HR.
  5. Make sure interns have an opportunity to engage with staff at multiple levels and get the most out of their experience. Consider including a rotation through several departments.
  6. Ask for feedback. At the end of the internship, ask for the intern’s perspective and input about the experience. Re-evaluate your program and adapt if needed. This is also the time to share feedback with interns about their performance.

If you have other suggestions, please share them!

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January 26 – 31

WJLA provided a preview of the Army Historical Foundation’s National Museum of the United States Army, set to open in 2020.

Colleen Wevodau, President of Calvary Women’s Services Board of Directors and Senior Manager at Baker Tilly Virchow Krause, posted an article about the Baker Tilly Wishes campaign announcing that Calvary is one of five organizations to receive a $10,000 grant.

DC Central Kitchen received a large food donation from Tyson Foods in an effort to assist federal workers affected by the government shutdown according to KARK. DC Central Kitchen was also highlighted in WTOP for their efforts to provide fresh produce and healthy snacks to low-income areas.

The Keegan Theatre is having a special food drive throughout its run of The Baltimore Waltz to benefit Food & Friends according to Broadway World.

Humane Farm Animal Care’s animal welfare rating program was featured on Vox.

Miriam’s Kitchen discussed the limits of the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program in The Washington Post.

Washington Regional Alcohol Program President Kurt Erickson commented on a recently released report about the increase of drunk driving related deaths in 2017 in Montgomery Community Media, WJLA, and The Washington Post.


January 12 – 25

Bright Beginnings, N Street Village and So Others Might Eat raised a total of $254,837 in this year’s The Washington Post Helping Hand Campaign. Over 1,472 individuals donated to the organizations this holiday season.

Brighter Strategies and Alliance for Nonprofit Management will co-sponsor a one-day seminar, Racial Equity and Implications for Capacity Building Practice: A Deeper Dive, on February 22 at the Chicago School of Professional Psychology, 901 15th Street, Washington, DC.

Casey Trees discussed the relocation of a 600,000 pound tree in Washington, DC on WAMU 88.5.

Center for Digital Democracy Executive Director, Jeffrey Chester, discussed data privacy regulation in USA TODAY.

Research by the Center for Law and Social Policy (CLASP) revealing Asian-American students pursuing higher education have the highest amount of unmet financial needs was featured in NBC News.

Food & Friends extended its services to furloughed federal employees dealing with a serious illness according to The Washington Blade.

Friends of Kenilworth Aquatic Gardens Executive Director, Tina O’Connell, discussed ways the government shutdown impacted volunteer efforts over the MLK weekend in WAMU 88.5 and The Washington Post.

A report by the Institute for Local Self-Reliance about bringing high-speed internet to rural communities was featured in Nonprofit Quarterly.

Latino Economic Development Center discussed ways the federal government shutdown impacts Maryland small business owners in the Baltimore Business Journal.

National Low Income Housing Coalition (NLIH) discussed how the federal government shutdown is affecting nonprofit groups dedicated to helping low-income renters in The New York TimesNLIH President and CEO, Diane Yentel, expressed concerns over federal rental assistance contracts that have not been renewed due to the federal government shutdown on National Public Radio and Huffington Post.

National Catholic Educational Association announced the 2019 Youth Virtues, Valor and Vision Award recipient according to WTKR.

Northern Virginia Family Service will receive a $35,000 grant from the United Way of the National Capital Area according Fairfax Times. Funds will be used to provide rental, mortgage and utility assistance. United Way NCA was also featured in a Washington Business Journal article on local nonprofits stepping up to assist furloughed federal employees.

Washington Regional Alcohol Program President, Kurt Erickson, commented on the need for stronger seat-belt laws in Virginia on WHSV.


January 4 – 11

Applications to the Catalogue for Philanthropy: Greater Washington are now open! Being part of the Catalogue network means you will be recognized as “one of the best” high-impact, community-based nonprofits in the region. Learn more at

The Center for Nonprofit Advancement and Serve DC will partner again to implement Volunteer Generation Fund 2019, building on the success of VGF 2018. The program supports increasing the number of volunteer men of color working with nonprofit organizations in the District. The deadline for applications is Wednesday, January 16.

Fairfax Leadership is now accepting applications for the classes of 2019 – 2020. To help applicants learn more about the process, several free virtual webinars have been scheduled.

Loudoun Abused Women’s Shelter Director Judy Hanley applauded Virginia State Del. Wendy Gooditis for introducing legislation aimed at combating child abuse, specifically sexual abuse in the Loudoun Times-Mirror.

National Low Income Housing Coalition discussed ways the federal government shutdown is impacting local public housing authorities and individuals who rely on rental assistance programs in Curbed, WUSA9 and CNBC.

Arlington County Board announced the recent appointment of David Heilig to the Rosslyn Business Improvement District according to InsideNoVA.

United Way of the National Capital Area was one of the local organizations featured on WUSA9 and InsideNoVA for their efforts to provide furloughed federal workers with food, rent and utility assistance

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Thank you to all who responded to our recent survey on the effects of the federal government shutdown. We heard from nonprofit organizations of varying types, budget sizes and locations throughout the District of Columbia, Maryland and Virginia.

Here’s what we learned

~ Although just a little over 50% of survey respondents receive federal funding, the shutdown had an impact across the board.

~ It was encouraging to see almost 90% of respondents had operating funds in reserve, although only 40% of those had three months or more.

~ 50% of all respondents saw an increase in service needs during the shutdown, but only 30% had program supplies in reserve. Of those, 60% had to tap into their reserves.

~ Even more significant than the quantifiable stats was the immeasurable impact on nonprofits, families and the community.

“It is clear that a strong nonprofit sector is critical when our residents and communities are in crisis,” observes Glen O’Gilvie, CEO, Center for Nonprofit Advancement. “We are proud of the support our network provided and encourage a replenishment of reserves and greater coordination in preparation for any future challenges.”

Some of the impact stories shared:

“We provided a 5-day supply of groceries to over 400 furloughed government workers and contractors.”

“We saw a 10% increase in call volume to our 24/7 hotline; an increase in anxiety and stress for clients across all of our programs and services, especially those seeking federal assistance for basic needs like food and shelter.”

“Donors became clients. Donors terminated recurring monthly donations.”

“We have been providing additional food support for guests, including bags of full and frozen meals. And with the cold weather and ‘life threatening wind-chills,’ guests are requesting gloves, hand warmers and other essentials. The government shutdown is a reminder that many members of our community could be just a few paychecks from experiencing homelessness.”

“As an environmental organization headquartered in the DC region, we provide a lot of programming and stewardship of public lands. During the shutdown, we were unable to access Kenilworth Aquatic Gardens, where we keep freshwater mussels for an education program. We have also responded to calls about trash and illegal dumping at federally-managed sites and worked with the city to remove more than 400 tires that were illegally dumped during the shutdown on National Park Service land.”

“… a sense of demoralization. Our constituency assumed/believed that the government was solid, an institution that could be trusted, relied on. There has been a definite sense of loss, hope and trust.”

These narratives deliver a clear reminder of the valuable and vital support nonprofits provide our communities.

Resources to share with your clients and those in need:

•  Metropolitan Washington Council of Government 
•  United Way National Capital Area
•  Helpline 2-1-1: This free and confidential helpline provides information about social, health and government resources, and connects callers to community resources in their local community. 2-1-1 is available in multiple languages 24 hours a day, 365 days a year and is available to callers in the District of Columbia, Maryland and Virginia.

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Every member of a nonprofit’s team has an important role in advocacy, even if it’s not included in their assigned responsibilities. If you work or volunteer for a nonprofit, then you are most likely passionate about its cause and in a prime position to advocate on its behalf. Whether you’re a regular at legislative hearings, or you just want to tell your friends why your nonprofit’s services are so valuable, having the right tools will help you deliver your message successfully.

Five key skills for excellence in advocacy:

Show your passion – How often have you been in a situation where someone is trying to pitch you on a product or idea and it’s obvious they don’t really believe in it themselves? The first thing you do is question their real motive. Next, you tune them out. As an advocate for your organization’s mission you’ll be effective when you let your passion for the cause shine through. This is one time when it’s great to wear your heart on your sleeve!

Know your subject – You need to make a case for your issue or cause, and you need to be able to respond to questions and objections. Know everything about what your nonprofit does, who it serves, how it makes an impact, so you can speak with authority. Not only will you be more effective, you’ll position yourself as an expert that your audience can rely on for the future.

Practice diplomacy – This one can sometimes be the hardest. When you are trying to win someone over, avoid getting angry and steer away from insults. As an advocate you want to build support for your cause. Skilled advocates understand the difference between stating a case and starting an argument. You’ll make more progress by practicing the art of patience and showing respect for differing opinions.

Be persistent – If diplomacy is the art of patience, persistence is the art of stamina. It doesn’t always come naturally – most of us are uncomfortable with confrontation. As an effective advocate, you’ll want to demonstrate an ability to overcome obstacles, avoid showing frustration, don’t be discouraged when success does not come easily and don’t give up.

Communicate well – Advocates often need to make their case around complex issues that may stir up strong reactions. Perhaps the most critical skill for excellence in advocacy is to be an effective communicator. Here is where practice is most important. If you need to speak in public, try stating your case in front of a friendly audience first and ask for constructive feedback. With written communications, get started early, organize your thoughts and make sure a fresh set of eyes reads what you’ve written before it goes out. Typos are not an advocate’s friend!

These key skills are ones we can all develop with a bit of practice. The more tools in your toolbox and the more you use them, the better you’ll be at doing a great job. Keep at it and you can help change the world!

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Two new positions are now open!

As we head into our 40th year, the Center plans to deepen our commitment and support of nonprofits in our region. To expand our outreach and advance our member services to the next level, the Center is adding two new staff members to our internal team.

Membership Associate
Communications Associate*


To apply: Send cover letter (REQUIRED) and resume to Taylor Strange.
*Communications Associate application also REQUIRES three (3) writing samples.

Application DEADLINE: 5:00pm on Monday, February 11, 2019.

Please help us spread the word. We encourage all qualified individuals to apply!

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