January 26 – 31
WJLA provided a preview of the Army Historical Foundation’s National Museum of the United States Army, set to open in 2020.
Colleen Wevodau, President of Calvary Women’s Services Board of Directors and Senior Manager at Baker Tilly Virchow Krause, posted an article about the Baker Tilly Wishes campaign announcing that Calvary is one of five organizations to receive a $10,000 grant.
DC Central Kitchen received a large food donation from Tyson Foods in an effort to assist federal workers affected by the government shutdown according to KARK. DC Central Kitchen was also highlighted in WTOP for their efforts to provide fresh produce and healthy snacks to low-income areas.
The Keegan Theatre is having a special food drive throughout its run of The Baltimore Waltz to benefit Food & Friends according to Broadway World.
Humane Farm Animal Care’s animal welfare rating program was featured on Vox.
Miriam’s Kitchen discussed the limits of the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program in The Washington Post.
Washington Regional Alcohol Program President Kurt Erickson commented on a recently released report about the increase of drunk driving related deaths in 2017 in Montgomery Community Media, WJLA, and The Washington Post.
January 12 – 25
Bright Beginnings, N Street Village and So Others Might Eat raised a total of $254,837 in this year’s The Washington Post Helping Hand Campaign. Over 1,472 individuals donated to the organizations this holiday season.
Brighter Strategies and Alliance for Nonprofit Management will co-sponsor a one-day seminar, Racial Equity and Implications for Capacity Building Practice: A Deeper Dive, on February 22 at the Chicago School of Professional Psychology, 901 15th Street, Washington, DC.
Casey Trees discussed the relocation of a 600,000 pound tree in Washington, DC on WAMU 88.5.
Center for Digital Democracy Executive Director, Jeffrey Chester, discussed data privacy regulation in USA TODAY.
Research by the Center for Law and Social Policy (CLASP) revealing Asian-American students pursuing higher education have the highest amount of unmet financial needs was featured in NBC News.
Food & Friends extended its services to furloughed federal employees dealing with a serious illness according to The Washington Blade.
Friends of Kenilworth Aquatic Gardens Executive Director, Tina O’Connell, discussed ways the government shutdown impacted volunteer efforts over the MLK weekend in WAMU 88.5 and The Washington Post.
A report by the Institute for Local Self-Reliance about bringing high-speed internet to rural communities was featured in Nonprofit Quarterly.
Latino Economic Development Center discussed ways the federal government shutdown impacts Maryland small business owners in the Baltimore Business Journal.
National Low Income Housing Coalition (NLIH) discussed how the federal government shutdown is affecting nonprofit groups dedicated to helping low-income renters in The New York Times. NLIH President and CEO, Diane Yentel, expressed concerns over federal rental assistance contracts that have not been renewed due to the federal government shutdown on National Public Radio and Huffington Post.
National Catholic Educational Association announced the 2019 Youth Virtues, Valor and Vision Award recipient according to WTKR.
Northern Virginia Family Service will receive a $35,000 grant from the United Way of the National Capital Area according Fairfax Times. Funds will be used to provide rental, mortgage and utility assistance. United Way NCA was also featured in a Washington Business Journal article on local nonprofits stepping up to assist furloughed federal employees.
Washington Regional Alcohol Program President, Kurt Erickson, commented on the need for stronger seat-belt laws in Virginia on WHSV.
January 4 – 11
Applications to the Catalogue for Philanthropy: Greater Washington are now open! Being part of the Catalogue network means you will be recognized as “one of the best” high-impact, community-based nonprofits in the region. Learn more at cfp-dc.org/apply.
The Center for Nonprofit Advancement and Serve DC will partner again to implement Volunteer Generation Fund 2019, building on the success of VGF 2018. The program supports increasing the number of volunteer men of color working with nonprofit organizations in the District. The deadline for applications is Wednesday, January 16.
Fairfax Leadership is now accepting applications for the classes of 2019 – 2020. To help applicants learn more about the process, several free virtual webinars have been scheduled.
Loudoun Abused Women’s Shelter Director Judy Hanley applauded Virginia State Del. Wendy Gooditis for introducing legislation aimed at combating child abuse, specifically sexual abuse in the Loudoun Times-Mirror.
National Low Income Housing Coalition discussed ways the federal government shutdown is impacting local public housing authorities and individuals who rely on rental assistance programs in Curbed, WUSA9 and CNBC.
Arlington County Board announced the recent appointment of David Heilig to the Rosslyn Business Improvement District according to InsideNoVA.
United Way of the National Capital Area was one of the local organizations featured on WUSA9 and InsideNoVA for their efforts to provide furloughed federal workers with food, rent and utility assistance
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