Edmund Glabus – 2018 EXCEL Honorable Mention

As Executive Director of The Veterans Consortium (TVC), Edmund “Ed” Glabus shares his perspective on leadership During Ed’s tenure, TVC has been inducted into the Catalogue for Philanthropy as “One of the Best” charities, has… read more

Thinking Differently About Advocacy

Dictionary.com tells us that to advocate is to “speak or write in favor of; recommend publicly; support or urge by argument.” Sometimes, it can be all too easy to get caught up in that argument… read more

Effective advocacy in one word: VOTE

Nonprofits are rediscovering the power of the vote. So many issues, so little time! Between the screaming headlines, the social media blitzes and the mountains of position papers, developing an effective advocacy strategy for your… read more

5 Lessons Learned in Diversity and Inclusion

Miriam’s Kitchen shares how they integrated diversity and inclusion into hiring practices and key lessons they learned along the way. Committed to ending chronic homelessness in Washington, DC and interrupting the unjust systems that disproportionately… read more

Board Leadership Award winners honored at event

  Board members and staff from our 2018 award winning organizations celebrated with our selection committee, presenting sponsor and other nonprofit members at a special event on Thursday, July 26.   This is the ninth… read more

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