Help your donors continue to help you
... and reduce the negative impact of the new tax law. With the increase in the standard deduction and the new limitation on state and local tax deductions, fewer people itemized on their 2018 returns,… read more
Internships: Great for students AND nonprofits
Guidelines for setting up an unpaid internship program: Internships provide an excellent way to prepare students for the workforce, provide hands-on training and launch careers. For nonprofits, it's an opportunity to help shape the emerging… read more
Strengthen your organization’s leadership package without straining your budget
When setting up a 457(b) plan makes sense: In 2019, the government allows taxpayers to contribute up to $19,000 annually to their 401(k) or 403(b) plans ($25,000 if over age 50). However, executives at nonprofit… read more
The Center is turning 40! Join us in celebrating our past as we look toward the future. Share your story: #Rocking40withtheCenter What has Center membership meant to your nonprofit? What benefits have made a difference?… read more