Pepco Edison Place Gallery displays inspiring exhibits reflecting life in our communities

This past Fall, the Center was proud to be asked to partner with Pepco in their 2020 Call for Exhibits at the Pepco Edison Place Gallery in Washington, DC. Through a transparent and competitive process,… read more

UGA Main Street appoints new Executive Director

Paul W. Ruppert is an innovative entrepreneur who builds diverse teams that collaborate to create noteworthy projects. As president and founder of Warehouse Industries, Paul oversees the day-to-day operation of a restaurant and retail development… read more

Recruiting new Executive Director for UGA Main Street

The Center has been awarded a grant from DSLBD to help create the new Upper Georgia Avenue Main Street, as well as provide fiscal and organizational management, leadership and technical assistance. The Center is currently… read more

Partnership with PLC supports DYRS youth

Progressive Life Center (PLC) has been awarded the grant to serve as the Administrative Partner for the Department of Youth Rehabilitation Services (DYRS) 2020 Community Programming Initiative (CPI) Service Coalition. The Center is partnering with… read more

Effective employee retention

It’s time to get serious about keeping top performers on your team. That is the takeaway message from a new report from Nonprofit HR, a Washington-DC based research and consulting organization. The 2019 Talent Retention… read more

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