The Center Celebrates LGBTQ+ Pride Month 2021 #2
A time to both celebrate and remember During this month of commemoration and celebrations, the Center for Nonprofit Advancement acknowledges and applauds the history and bravery of the LGBTQ+ movement. On June 28, 1969, police… read more
Celebrating Caribbean-American Heritage Month
In 1999, the Institute of Caribbean Studies petitioned President Bill Clinton for the recognition of Caribbean-American Heritage Month, which led to unofficial celebration activities in the month of June. In 2006, the House and the… read more
VitalHealth launches new fitness tracking program
... providing a little extra motivation to meet aspirations for a healthy, active lifestyle. The program is available to everyone enrolled in VitalHealth, PLUS staff at all Center member organizations—at no charge. The only… read more
Recognizing the success of outgoing UGA Main Street Director
... and searching for our next star! The Center is delighted to share the growth and success of the Upper Georgia Avenue (UGA) Main Street program and recognize Executive Director Paul Ruppert as he moves… read more
One year out, we take a look back
As we move forward from this unbelievable year, we'd like to remember and share some of the positive changes and outcomes we saw at the Center. We'd like to hear about your achievements as well.… read more