December 2018

December 15 - January 4 A Bright Beginnings client shared his story and appreciation for the organization in The Washington Post. Bright Beginnings was also featured on WBAL Baltimore for its work supporting families transitioning… read more

The Center is expanding its team

Two new positions are now open! As we head into our 40th year, the Center plans to deepen our commitment and support of nonprofits in our region. To expand our outreach and advance our member… read more

Congratulations to Sean Sweeney

We are happy to announce his recent promotion to Education and Special Programs Director. In his new role, Sean will serve as Program Director of the Center’s AIM, EXCEL and Board Leadership Award competitions, as… read more

8 Advocacy Tips from the Legislators’ Side of the Desk

In December 2018, the Center hosted a panel discussion in Prince William County entitled “An Insider’s Perspective: Advocacy Efforts That Work!” The panelists included three individuals with extensive experience as staff to legislators. They shared… read more

Main Street comes to Wards 4 and 5

The Center is pleased to announce the creation of South Dakota Avenue/Riggs Road Main Street.   Funded through a grant awarded by the District Department of Small and Local Business Development (DSLBD), this new Main… read more

November 2018

November 24 - 30 Over 3,200 runners participated in this year's 13th Annual Arlington Turkey Trot, and its nonprofit beneficiaries, including  A-SPAN and Bridges to Independence, were featured in Arlington Connection. A Bright Beginnings teacher… read more

October 2018

October 20 - November 16 Arlington Community Foundation and Bridges to Independence are two nonprofits to receive a portion of the proceeds from the Arlington Turkey Trot 5K according to Inside NoVA. A member of… read more

Volunteer Generation Fund 2019

A citywide campaign to promote volunteerism and mentoring among men of color   The Center for Nonprofit Advancement and Serve DC will partner again to implement Volunteer Generation Fund 2019 and build on the success… read more

Sabbatical: A viable tool for the nonprofit sector?

With budget constraints tighter than ever, you may be thinking how can your nonprofit possibly afford to offer paid (or even unpaid) sabbaticals? But in today’s climate, the real question is how can you afford… read more

Advocacy in a Divided America – What is Our Role?

The good news about the 2018 mid-term elections is voter turnout was the highest it’s been for a mid-term in a very long time. In some cases, turnout approached the level of a Presidential election—voter… read more

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