EPI class of 2020 graduates 18 talented new leaders

Completing the course in a creatively adapted virtual format   For this year's class, the Executive Preparation Institute had some unique challenges. After only holding one day of the series in person, we had to… read more

The Washington Post quotes Center CEO

Glen O'Gilvie comments on struggle nonprofits face in surviving the pandemic. On August 3, 2020, The Washington Post published an article about how the twin crises of pandemic and recession are straining the region’s philanthropies… read more

Center CEO Glen O’Gilvie is featured in Washington Business Journal

The Center responds to dire prediction Charities Aid Foundation of America found that nearly a third of nonprofits could potentially shut down as a result of the economic impact of the Covid-19 pandemic. In this… read more

June 2020

June 20 - 26 Lucy Beadnell, director of advocacy at The Arc of Northern Virginia, is quoted in an article discussing how during the pandemic, parents have been facing a fight for their right to… read more

May 2020

May 16 -29 After receiving two recent donations totaling $150,000, ACT for Alexandria is nearing $1 million for its "ACT Now COVID-19 Response Fund," and the organization will be taking a break from giving grants… read more

April 2020

April 25 - May 1 Casa Chirilagua gave out more than 1,000 meals and Tenants and Workers United gave out gift cards to families in Chirilagua (aka Arlandria). Casa Chirilagua is asking for donations of… read more

March 2020

March 21 - 27 ACT for Alexandria, Arlington Community Foundation, Community Foundation for Northern Virginia and the Greater Washington Community Foundation will each use the funds donated by Amazon for grants to nonprofits addressing food… read more

Center faculty members step up in response to COVID-19 crisis

To implement informative, relevant, forward-focused training, the Center relies on skilled professionals who specialize in and are committed to supporting the nonprofit sector. During these past few weeks, our faculty has gone above and beyond… read more

The Parks and Upper Georgia Avenue Main Streets award $69,000 in grants

... supporting local businesses through difficult times The grants, funded by the DC Department of Small and Local Business (DSLBD), are focused on helping businesses work through the challenges brought on by the Coronavirus and… read more

Pepco Edison Place Gallery displays inspiring exhibits reflecting life in our communities

This past Fall, the Center was proud to be asked to partner with Pepco in their 2020 Call for Exhibits at the Pepco Edison Place Gallery in Washington, DC. Through a transparent and competitive process,… read more

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